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Microblading: The hottest trend in permanent make-up

Achieve the perfect brows you've always wanted with our new microblading treatment

Eyebrows have become one of the beauty world’s biggest priorities in recent years, and for good reason. In a survey conducted by QVC for Cosmo, it was revealed that women in the UK spend £2.3 billion a year trying to achieve the perfect brow. They are arguably one of the most important features of the face. A good brow can help accentuate the eyes, frame the face, and with the right shape, they can brighten your appearance making you look more youthful.

Of course, not everyone has been blessed with naturally thick, full eyebrows but for those who aren't there's a service that can help: microblading. But what actually is microblading and why should you choose to have it done?

Microblading is a tattooing technique in which a small handheld tool made of several needles is used to add semi-permanent pigment to the skin. The tool is used to mimic the natural hairs of the brow by creating realistic, fine, hair-like strokes and blending these new tiny hair strokes with the existing brow hairs.

The first microblading session usually takes about 2.5-3 hours which includes time designing your new brows. A second top-up appointment, which takes place 4-6 weeks after the initial session, takes 1.5-2 hours.

It usually takes 7-14 days for the brows to heal over, and about 1 month for the colour to fully set in. Microblading typically lasts 1-3 years, depending on skin type, age, skincare routine and lifestyle. However, to maintain the brows looking fresh, we recommend a touch up every 12-18 months.

Is it painful?

It doesn't hurt as such, it is more a sensation. The process itself is not painful thanks to the numbing ointment that is applied. It's sometimes the sound of the blade which people find worse – a small scratching sound. All in all, it seems microblading is more uncomfortable than painful, although this will, of course, depend on your pain threshold. After the procedure, redness and maybe slight swelling in the area is normal. Some clients have described the area feeling similar to a light sunburn.

Timing is important …are you going on holiday or have a wedding/party? These have to be taken into account as your new brows will take about a week to heal - which includes not getting your eyebrows wet for the first 5-7 days. Water, sun, other UV rays and salt water exposure can definitely affect the healing process and the end result of your eyebrows. Everyone has to have a top up 4-6 weeks after the first procedure so you may have to factor this in when booking the treatment

One of the benefits of microblading, unlike other forms of eyebrow treatments such as eyebrow extensions, is that your brows require little in the way of maintenance except for an annual touch up. The amount of time that you will save throughout the year that you would usually spend taking care of your brows will also more than make up for itself.

Interested? You can book a consultation or Microblading treatment at Skinfinity:


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