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Award winning skin rejuvenating treatment - Profhilo®

Profhilo®, the first injectable of its kind, is an exciting new skin rejuvenation treatment from Switzerland.

Hailed as a "true breakthrough" in anti-aging medicine, Profhilo® has quickly become one of the hottest products on the market. It delivers dramatic improvement in tissue quality, even in the most challenging areas, and is complementary to other aesthetic treatments and dermal filler procedures.

What is Profhilo®? Profhilo® is 100% pure injectable hyaluronic acid, or HA. This is the really expensive stuff you get in almost all good moisturisers. It works just like a deep moisturiser however it’s delivered right where you need it with subcutaneous injections in to the deeper layers of your skin. The HA works with the body’s receptors, inducing the natural stimulation of collagen (the protein which provide your skin with strength & structure).

How does the treatment work?

Delivered by trained medical professionals, the treatment involves injecting this pure HA just beneath the surface of the skin in 5 key locations on the face. On both sides of the face next to the ears, on the nasolabial folds (smile lines), the chin, jawline and finally on the tops of cheeks. It is especially effective at treating areas which are prone to sagging like the neck, chest, cheeks and décolletage.

The procedure itself is only slightly painful, with a stinging sensation lasting around 20 seconds at each of the injection sites. With no recovery time needed you could be straight back to work in just an hour. The treatment is best delivered across 2 appointments, and will take a few days after the first appointment to begin to see any visual effects.

Benefits of using Profhilo®

The best part about Profhilo® is that it continues to get better and better as your body begins to produce more and more collagen. After one month you return for a top-up (the 2nd of 2 appointments) which helps to further boost your collagen production. Whilst results can differ from person to person, the results are usually astounding, far better than any facial moisturising product out there and Profhilo® can continue to have visible effects for up to 6 months.

Profhilo® is your go-to choice if you’re looking to add a general anti-aging effect giving you a newer younger look.

How much does it cost?

Profhilo® costs £500 for two courses.


Interested? You can book a consultation or Profhilo treatment at Skinfinity:

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